St. Martin Council on Aging, Inc offers dedicated senior care services, which includes:

St. Martin Council on Aging Inc


St. Martin Council on Aging Inc

Congregate Meals

St. Martin Council on Aging Inc


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Home-Delivered Meals

St. Martin Council on Aging Inc
St. Martin Council on Aging Inc
St. Martin Council on Aging Inc

We ensure complete support in social as well as personal situations. From providing nourishing meals to dedicate transport for your doctor appointments, we’re always there for you. Trust our team of experienced caregivers to take care of your beloved elderly family members.

Some of the services provided by the SMCOA are:


St. Martin Public Transit began its operation in 1977, delivering hot, nutritious meals to homebound elderly residents of the parish. Today, transit is provided for all ages, income levels, and populations. Trips within the service area provide access to medical facilities, social service agencies, worksites, senior centers, and other community-related businesses. Transportation is also provided for Medicaid and Vocational Rehabilitation clients outside of parish lines.

Individuals must schedule rides 48 hours in advance by calling 337-332-1544. Riders pay a small fee for trips. The SMCOA Transportation System is contracted through the Louisiana Department of Transportation Development (LADOTD) and the St. Martin Parish Government (SMPG).

Meals on Wheels

Homebound and/or disabled seniors receive one (1) hot, nutritious meal on a daily basis. Meals are delivered by agency staff.

Congregate Meals

Eligible active seniors participating in recreational activities at the Senior Center, or some other congregate setting, are provided one (1) hot, nutritious meal on a daily basis.

Nutrition Education

In an effort to promote better health, seniors receive accurate and culturally sensitive information regarding nutrition, physical fitness, or health (as it relates to nutrition). Information is presented by a dietician or someone of comparable expertise in various sessions.

Case Management

Seniors receive assistance either in the form of access or care coordination in circumstances where the older person and/or their caregivers are experiencing diminishing functioning capacities, personal conditions, or other characteristics that may require aid from

service providers such as a social service agency, nursing home, or the like. Assistance received includes assessing needs, developing care plans, authorizing, arranging, and coordinating services, follow-up, and reassessment, as required.


Intervention initiated for the purpose of identifying potential clients (or their caregivers) and encouraging the use of existing services and benefits.

Information & Assistance

Individuals are provided with current information on opportunities and services available within their communities, including information on how to access needed services.

Homemaking/Light Housekeeping

Individuals with the inability to perform one or more of the following instrumental activities of daily living: preparing meals, shopping for personal items, managing money, using the telephone, or doing light housework receive one (1) hour of daily assistance on a scheduled basis.

In-Home Respite

Personal care services are provided in the home of the qualifying individual in order to provide a brief period of rest for the individual taking care of a sick/disabled family member. One (1) hour of daily assistance is provided on a scheduled basis.


Provided in a home setting to ensure the health and safety of the qualifying individual, Sitter service includes observing, conversing, providing food for the qualifying individual, etc. One (1) hour of daily assistance is provided on a scheduled basis.


Provided in the home of the qualifying individual, Visiting includes providing comfort, encouragement, listening, fellowship, etc. One (1) hour of daily assistance is provided on a scheduled basis.


Active seniors are provided individual and group activities that promote social interaction and well-being.


Active seniors participate in activities designed to provide services that will support and/or improve their mental and/or physical well-being, such as exercise/physical fitness and health screenings.

Utility Assistance

Qualifying individuals receive financial assistance with paying their electricity bills. *Individuals must be Entergy or CLECO customers.

The SMCOA also has a “Senior Social Center” where seniors gather everyday to participate in exercise and art classes, playgroup games, listen to nutritional, educational, and cultural presentations, and enjoy a hot, nutritious lunch. The Center provides a great opportunity for seniors to “get out of the house” and socialize with their peers.

With the exception of transportation, all services of the SMCOA are offered to seniors aged 60 and older. Senior services are needs-based only; income eligibility is not required to qualify. Services are provided Monday-Friday only.

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